Surprising Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

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Submitted by: Stewart Wrighter
Everyone knows that brushing and flossing are important parts of maintaining good oral health. Visiting the dental office is also important. Seeing a dentist at least twice a year helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean. In addition to brushing and flossing, there are other things you can do to prevent cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health problems. Good oral health begins before we are even born. Getting the right vitamins and nutrients in the womb helps us grow strong teeth and gums. A lot of people assume that because children s teeth fall out and adult teeth grow in, there is no reason to care for children s teeth. This is not true. Take care of our teeth during each phase of life is important to ensure healthy teeth throughout our entire lifespan.
Women who are pregnant should focus on a healthy diet before their child is born. There should be plenty of calcium to health teeth and bones grow strong. Things like low-fat dairy products, rice and nut beverages, salmon, and dark leafy greens all supply calcium. It is better to get calcium from food than from a supplement, especially during pregnancy. If you think your diet could be improved, speak with your doctor or a nutritionist about healthy diet changes during pregnancy.
As children, we can build strong teeth as baby teeth are growing in and then while we have a mouthful of teet that are growing loose and falling out. Things like beta carotene, vitamin A, phosphorus and magnesium all help build strong oral healthy. These minerals are needed to form tooth enamel and keep things strong. Fruits and vegetables supply plenty of great vitamins and minerals. Parents should health children eat right and brush their teeth when they are young. Teaching children to floss also helps keep their teeth strong and their gums disease-free. Avoiding candy and sugary foods, and do not use tricks like dipping a pacifier in honey or putting a baby down with a bottle.
Gum disease plays a major role in oral health. Though focus is often on the strength and condition of teeth, how healthy our gums are plays a role in our overall health. Gum disease can lead to tooth decay and everyone is at risk. Regular brushing and flossing helps prevent gum disease, but those with compromised immune systems will need to pay special attention to the health of their gums. If your gums are bleeding a lot, you might need to up your vitamin C intake. Munch on fibrous foods like celery and carrots to stimulate the gums. Fruits and veggies high in vitamin C help boost oral health.
Finally, include healthful foods such as fruits and vegetables, low-fat cheese, yogurt and milk, and plenty of natural foods packed with vitamins and nutrients in your diet. Avoid sugary snacks, but also limit sweet drinks like juices and coffee. Tea is good for flouride, but do not overdo it, especially with black tea. Dried fruits are healthy, but do not eat too many because they have a tendency to get stuck in teeth and leave sugar deposits that are hard to brush away.
About the Author: Stewart Wrighter visited a
Westlake Village dentist
for an emergency procedure for his young son. His wife scheduled an appointment with a
Thousand Oaks dentist
for a routine check-up.
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