Exposed: Tmj Symptoms Including Numbness In Arms And Fingers

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By Sandra Carter
The temporomandibular joint is a complex bone formation in the base of the skull that aids in the opening and closing of the mouth in order to eat, drink, masticate, chew and helps in providing energy to body and even helps in smiling and even in speaking. Unfortunately, it can also become a house of problems and complications like pain in the jaw joint, pain in the ear, numbness in the arms and fingers, if it stops functioning properly. These TMJ symptoms are discussed in detail in this article.
The TMJ syndrome symptoms are so varied and innumerable in nature that for ease and convenience it is best to classify them under three different heads, namely Primary, Secondary and Rare. These rare symptoms can be felt in the arms and fingers as well. And they require a through understanding as these symptoms can be experienced over many body parts.
Primary Symptoms Of The TMJ Disorder
— Aching jaw joints
— Swollen jaw joint with tenderness experienced in the muscles, tendons, and bones around the affected joint.
— Incessant pain in the head and ears
— A clicking sound every time the jaw is opened
— Stiffness experience around the affected jaw joint
— A stuffiness experienced in the sinus
— Aching facial muscles
— Hearing difficulties
Secondary Symptoms Of The TMJ Disorder
— Compromised eyesight, difficulty in seeing during night, eyes becoming sensitive to light. A pressure felt just behind the eyeballs, and continuous flow of water from the eyes.
— Migraines, sinus headaches, cluster type headaches. Tender scalp area and hair roots.
— Hissing, roaring and buzzing sounds in the ear as in Tinnitus. Gradual loss of hearing and stuffiness in the ear.
— Aching jaws and hindered jaw movements.
— Confused and berserk movement of tongue and pain felt in the mouth, chin and cheek.
— Aching neck muscles and pain in the shoulder blades.
— Stiffness in the spinal chord and sore back muscles.
— Numbness in the arms and fingers is caused by the misalignment of the jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue stress on the muscles associated with the jaws, neck and the shoulder and puts them into spasms. As a result, the nerves that reach to the fingers and hand also get affected and the tingling sensation occurs.
Unusual Symptoms Of The TMJ Disorder
— Severe inflammation of the cheek is a rare symptom of TMJ dysfunction, it is more apparent on the side of the affected area. Although, swelling of the jaw joint is a common sign of TMJ disorder but it rarely spreads to the cheek and the adjoining regions.
— Regular dislocation of the jaw without any accompanying pain or related discomfort is very rare. But there are many who suffer from this symptoms. Afflicted people have to sleep with a hard pillow pressed against the affected jaw joint, as the joint could dislocate while the person is fast asleep. This symptom generally occurs in cases of misaligned jaws and when the case has been left attended for a long time. It can however be solved with the help of neuromuscular dentistry.
— Generally the clicking sound which is a common symptom of TMJ dysfunction can be heard by other people as well standing a foot or two away from the affected person. But in some cases this sound can be so loud as to be heard as far as 5 feet! People suffering from this rare symptom also complain of severe pain just following the clicking sound.
— Aching shoulder blades is an uncommon feature of TMJ disorder. However rare, it does affect some. The pain usually occurs on one side and radiates from the neck which then spreads towards the shoulder blades.
While describing TMJ symptoms is also becomes necessary to point out that many of these symptoms can be caused by many other ailments as well that are leas bit connected with the TMJ disorder. Let us take the case of sore facial muscles, there can be in fact almost hundred causes leading to it. Dental boils, problems with the eyes, trauma to the face, complications of the nose, glaucoma are just a few of them. Hence a correct diagnosis becomes the most important feature before being able to decide on a treatment.
TMJ Cure
Since many people nowadays are being afflicted with the TMJ syndrome hence the cure for this disorder is becoming important as well. However, it is really sad that most of the treatment options available do not provide a permanent relief to the problem. Over the counter medication, conventional modes of treatment, natural exercises, home TMJ remedies none provide a temporary relief. All of them can only guarantee a temporary solution and all because they address only the symptoms of the disorder rather than the actual causes.
However holistic remedies ignore the symptoms and reaches deep within the body and identifies the root cause of the problem. And once the root cause is identified holistic remedies eliminates the root-cause permanently, thus removing all associated symptoms in the process. And once the root cause is gone neither the symptoms not the actual problem is able to afflict the person again. Hence the person gets the rid of the TMJ dysfunction forever and for good.
About the Author: Sandra Carter is an author of the best-selling e-book, “TMJ No More – Proven Holistic System of Curing TMJ, Bruxism and Whiplash”. To Learn More about Her Unique 3-Step Holistic TMJ Cure System Visit:
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TMJ Symptoms Including Numbness In Arms And Fingers
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